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Shivaya massages

Treatment: Abhyangam

Ayurvedic Massage- the greatest expression of self-love


It is believed that the effects of Abhyangam are similar to those received when one is saturated with love. Abhyanga is infusing the body with 'prana' or vital life force. When we infuse all our cells with love, they are revitalised and energised. It involves massaging of the body with warm oil. Abhyangam moves ‘Prana’ (vital life force energy) within the body thereby nourishing and revitalizing all body organs. It aids the removal of toxins and stimulates both arterial and lymphatic circulation. It boosts the ability of nutrients to reach starved cells and allows for the removal of stagnant waste.

Ayurvedic Abhyangam massage helps to improve the energy flow throughout the channels and helps flush out toxins that accumulate during day to day activities, which wear away at us both physically and mentally. This massage helps to improve the lymphatic and circulatory system thus improving our immune system.

How Ayurvedic  Abhyangam Massage is different from other massages:


  • Your Ayurvedic massage therapist will use  warm Pure sesame oil and specific strokes relevant to your body’s constitution and present imbalances, which aid in the systematic elimination of toxins. 

  • The massage finishes with the head being massaged with the warm sesame oils  being poured on crown chakra as well. This helps to bring balance between the mind and body and stabilise the nervous system. 

  • An Ayurvedic Abhyangam massage also counters physical fatigue and aids with sleep 

  • It will slow down the ageing process by improving skin texture and complexion 


Who should have Therapeutic Massage & how often?
You need Ayurvedic Abhyangam  Massage  if you suffer from: 

  • Fatigue & tiredness 

  • Dry, stiff or scaly skin that lacks lustre 

  • Poor concentration 

  • Insomnia 

  • A build up of toxins in your body 

  • The wear & tear of daily living. 


The Point of Difference at Shivaya

  • Therapists are  highly trained  and experience

  • Therapists are taught using traditional methods, ensuring an authentic massage experience 

  • Traditional Massage tables are used for all treatments, constructed of timbers known for their healing properties. 

  • Warm massage oil, generally sesame oil are used to maximise the healing benefit of the treatment. 


Due to the use of oil in this treatment, it is advisable to bring a change of clothes to wear until you can shower. 

The duration of the treatment is 1 hour but we recommend allowing at least 1.5 hour for this blissful treatment so that you can enjoy some calm and quiet moments before you leave.

Treatment: Abhyangam    


Price:       $130.00 inc GST        
Duration: 60mins





Treatment: Marma Massage

Stimulating vital life force


'Marma' is a Sanskrit word meaning hidden or secret. A Marma point is defined as an anatomical site where flesh, veins, arteries, tendons, bones and joints meet. In Ayurveda Marma points are treated as points of vital life force. When imbalances block the movement of free-flowing energy in the body, the resulting stagnation leads to physical and mental discomfort and disease. A professional therapist isolates the Marma points and cleans them out by increasing the blood flow to the affected part of the neuro-muscular junction stimulating the body’s biochemistry to produce neurochemicals and hormones that heal. Marma massage involves a full body massage with warm medicated oil, stimulating or massaging the Marma points on the body. It nourishes and revitalizes internal organs, strengthens muscles and bones, helps remove toxins, balances the Doshas and encourages good sleep.

How Ayurvedic Marma Massage is different from other massages:


  • Your Ayurvedic massage therapist will use  warm medicated oil and specific strokes relevant to your body’s constitution and present imbalances, which aid in the systematic elimination of toxins. 

  • Your therapist will unblock stagnated energy by massaging 107 marma points (energy points) which induces a more rhythmic energy flow and leaves you feeling more relaxed and rejuvenated 

  • The massage finishes with the head being massaged with the medicated oils  being poured on crown chakra as well. This helps to bring balance between the mind and body and stabilise the nervous system. 

  • An Ayurvedic Marma massage also counters joint stiffness, arthritis, mental and physical fatigue and aids with sleep 

  • It will slow down the ageing process by improving skin texture and complexion 


Who should have Ayurvedic Marma & how often?
You need Ayurvedic Marma  Massage  if you suffer from: 

  • Fatigue & tiredness 

  • Stiffness & tightness in your body 

  • Heaviness & sluggishness in your mind 

  • Water retention 

  • Joint or back pain 

  • Dry, stiff or scaly skin that lacks lustre 

  • Poor concentration 

  • Insomnia 

  • Chronic headaches & migraines 

  • A build up of toxins in your body 

  • The wear & tear of daily living. 


The Point of Difference at Shivaya

  • Therapists are  highly trained  and experience

  • Therapists are taught using traditional methods, ensuring an authentic massage experience 

  • Traditional Massage tables are used for all treatments, constructed of timbers known for their healing properties. 

  • Warm massage oil, generally sesame oil are used to maximise the healing benefit of the treatment. 


Due to the use of oil in this treatment, it is advisable to bring a change of clothes to wear until you can shower. 

The duration of the treatment is 1 hour but we recommend allowing at least 1.5 hour for this blissful treatment so that you can enjoy some calm and quiet moments before you leave.

Treatment: Marma Massage    


Price:       $145.00 inc GST        
Duration: 75mins






Treatment: Shirodhara

Calming the "third eye" – gateway to higher consciousness

How it works - The term ‘Shirodhara’ is derived from the two Sanskrit words: ‘shiro’, meaning head, and ‘dhara’, meaning to flow. It involves the warm and steady flow of medicated oils on the forehead, more specifically on the "third eye." The Vedas describe the third eye chakra or 'Ajna' as the gateway to higher consciousness and enlightenment having deep spiritual and psychosomatic significance. The calming medicated oils flow in a continuous stream transporting the self to a calmer place thawing all negative emotions and clearing fear, anxiety, anger, or irritability. It is said to have a balancing effect on the deepest recesses of the brain, while stimulating the endocrine system's pituitary and pineal glands. The treatment enhances blood circulation to the brain, increases mental clarity and releases deeply trapped toxins.

The process lasts for 30 – 35 minutes. It is followed by an Ayurvedic head massage. The therapist will work on specific marma points to help stabilise the nervous function, thus resulting in a sense of calmness, whilst being bright and alert.

The Shirodhara technique, if done correctly and skillfully, is known to accomplish miraculous healing.


Shirodhara helps to:

  • calm the nervous system 

  • reduces insomnia 

  • eases shoulder and neck stress 

  • overcome stress and depression 

  • counter anxiety and panic attacks 

  • regulates hormonal imbalance 

  • pre and post menopausal issues 

  • good for post natal depression 

  • counter mental fatigue and tiredness 

  • stabilises the seven chakras 


How often should you have Shirodhara?

The frequency of Shirodhara treatments clearly depends on the severity of your condition. If for example, someone is experiencing acute anxiety and has not slept for many days, I would suggest consecutive treatments for at least three days, followed by a regular maintenance programme. For less chronic cases I would suggest weekly or even monthly treatments. 

The Point of Difference at Shivaya

  • Therapists are  highly trained  and experience

  • Therapists are taught using traditional methods, ensuring an authentic massage experience 

  • Traditional Massage tables are used for all treatments, constructed of timbers known for their healing properties. 

  • Warm massage oil, generally sesame oil are used to maximise the healing benefit of the treatment. 


Sesame Oil vs. Medicated Oil

Many Ayurvedic centres use only pure sesame oil in their treatments. We at Shivaya only use medicated sesame oil. The reason for this is many of our clients present with serious & deep seated problems. Sesame Oil in its own is not powerful enough to sooth the imbalances in Prana Vata & Sadhaka Pitta and to dislodge the toxins that accumulate at the physical & mental levels. Treatments with pure sesame oil can leave people feeling heavy, nauseous & dizzy which undermines the effect of the treatment & can lead to further complications. 

Such symptoms can also be experienced when the incorrect equipment or technique is used, such as 

  • Plastic rather than metal Shirodhara pot 

  • Metal tap rather than cotton wick to regulate oil flow 

  • Mechanical pump rather than trained practitioner 

  • Irregular rather than regular flow of oil 

  • Fluctuating rather than consistently warm temperature to oil 

At Shivaya Ayurveda only traditional equipment is used to maximise the benefits of this healing treatment. 

Aftercare advice (highly recommended)

  • do not have a shower for at least 1 hour 

  • don’t watch TV for at least 3 hours 

  • bring a hat/scarf to cover your head 

  • do not go out in the rain or to the beach 

Due to the use of oil in this treatment, it is advisable to bring a change of clothes to wear until you can shower. 

The duration of the treatment is 1 hour but we recommend allowing at least 1.5 hour for this blissful treatment so that you can enjoy some calm and quiet moments before you leave.

Treatment: Shirodhara    


Price:       $150.00 inc GST        
Duration: 60mins





Treatment: Kizali Bolus Massage

This Ayurvedic treatment is used for chronic and deep seated muscles, bone & nervous disorders such as:

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Osteopathy

  • Joint pain

  • Fatigue and tiredness

The therapist first prepares a bolus of specific Ayurvedic herbs, leaves from the Nirgundi plant, desiccated coconut and fresh lemon. The bolous is then soaked in a medicated oil (selected according to your problem) and used to massage the body according to Ayurvedic massage principles. 

After this treatment, a herbalised steam massage is given at a specific temperature for a specific time that helps to open the channels and flush the toxins from the body. 

Due to the use of oil in this treatment, it is advisable to bring a change of clothes to wear until you can shower. 

The duration of the treatment is 1 hours but we recommend allowing at least 1.5 hours for this blissful treatment so that you can enjoy some calm and quiet moments before you leave.


Treatment: Kizali Bolus Massage


Price: $175.00 inc GST

Duration: 60 min





Treatment: Pre-Natal Massage 

Regular massage is an ideal way not only to counter sluggishness, fatigue and tiredness and to promote good health for the mother and baby but helps in a smooth delivery.
Special care is given to positioning the body during massage to avoid any discomfort and ensure an uninterrupted flow of energy.

Due to the use of oil in this treatment, it is advisable to bring a change of clothes to wear until you can shower.


The duration of the treatment is 1hour but we recommend allowing at least 1.30 hour for this blissful treatment so that you can enjoy some calm and quiet moments before you leave. 

Treatment: Pre-Natal Massage   


Price:       $130.00 inc GST        
Duration: 60mins





Treatment: Post-Natal Massage 

This massage helps to rebuild the immune system, helps to tone up the muscle so that you can return easily and quickly to normal shape & strength.
It helps to relax the body and mind so that you can focus on your precious one.

Due to the use of oil in this treatment, it is advisable to bring a change of clothes to wear until you can shower.


The duration of the treatment is 1hour but we recommend allowing at least 1.30 hour for this blissful treatment so that you can enjoy some calm and quiet moments before you leave. 

Treatment: Post-Natal Massage   


Price:       $130.00 inc GST        
Duration: 60mins

Mobile Service-$200.00inc GST  (Mum and Baab -$230.00)






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